Is A Permit Required To Upgrade My Electrical Panel?

Electrical Panel Box Installation | Hollywood Hills Best Electricians

If you are upgrading your home’s electrical service, you may be wondering whether you will need a construction permit. The answer is that most new electrical services and service upgrades necessitate the acquisition of a permit. While obtaining the permit may appear to be time-consuming, there are conceptual reasons for this. For starters, it protects your property and family.

Electrical panel installation is one of many things that our permit-holding, including licensed electricians at Hollywood Hills Best Electricians. This contains any upgrades or installations made within the premises or on any structure.

Electrical permits ensure that your project meets the minimum standards to protect life and limb. It also protects your property, public health, and general well-being. 

For the following scenarios, a permit is required:

  • Setting up an appliance, device, piece of equipment, or wiring
  • Changes, additions, or replacements to existing appliances, devices, wiring, or equipment

If you also notice that you need an electrical panel replacement, it’s probably for one of the following reasons:

  • Because your electrical panel stinks. 

This is probably common and obvious. You most likely have a faulty circuit breaker or a disconnected wire if your electrical panel emits a strong burning odor. Because there is a risk of an electrical fire if you notice this sign, you should call a certified electrician at Hollywood Hills Best Electricians immediately.

  • Because your lights frequently flicker. 

Trying to unwind at home, but your lights keep blinking in and out? This is most likely due to a loose component in your panel and the need for a replacement. Alternatively, a connected wire may fail internally with no obvious signs.

  • You’re upgrading your home appliances.

If you’ve noticed that your appliances aren’t operating at full capacity and require an upgrade, or if you’re planning on upgrading old ones, your electrical panel will most likely require some attention as well. Newer appliances typically draw more amps, requiring a stronger panel to support them.

  • You are using too many power strips. 

There aren’t enough outlets to power your hairdryer, lava lamp, speaker, and mini-fridge. Your electrical panel is most likely working overtime to accommodate this extra energy, which could benefit from an upgrade.

Work with a Professional Now!

Working with an electrician not only ensures a safe and successful experience but also saves you the headache of determining whether you need a permit and the subsequent hassle of obtaining one. 

Electricians are familiar with local building codes, so your box will comply with them. We would only recommend working with your electrical panel when inspecting it to determine whether it should be upgraded in the first place.

National Electrical Code Requirements for Electrical Panel Upgrade

Electrical Panel Installation Services| Best Electric Pros Hollywood
National Electrical Code Requirements for Electrical Panel Upgrade

A home inspector or electrician may have advised you to relocate an electrical panel. The specialist may cite the location of the electrical panel as a deficiency in home inspection reports for relocation. Existing electrical panels are not required to comply with current NEC codes.

We recommend you follow building codes when it comes to the placement of electrical panels. An electrical panel should not be installed in certain areas of your home. This article will go over where and why electrical panels are placed.

  • Electric Panels Must Be Accessible

To be accessible, it must not be in areas obstructed by large appliances such as a washer or dryer. It also cannot be in an area too small to walk into and access.

When installing an electrical panel, plan for accessible areas such as a garage, basement, or hallway. If you are remodeling or selling your home, ensure that nothing is blocking access to the service panel and, if necessary, remove it.

  • Electric Panels Must Be Reachable 

This means that the highest breaker’s height cannot exceed 2 meters (6 feet 7 inches). There are exceptions for industrial locations, but this standard must be followed in residential areas.

  • Residents Must Have Easy Access

Residents should have access to the circuit breaker panel or subpanel that controls their living space. An exception to this rule would be apartments where management has complete access and control, usually outside the unit or in a central location. 

  • Safe from Physical Damage

This usually means that it cannot be in a location where it might be exposed to corrosive forces like water or high humidity. In most cases, as long as the panel is inside your home, you should be fine, as this only applies to commercial and industrial applications.

  • Flammable Materials Should Be Avoided in Electrical Panels

According to another code section, the breaker panel must have 3 feet (36 inches) of clearance and be located at least 6 feet 5 inches high.

Some have argued that the first code regarding closets should be allowed for large closets such as walk-ins, where 3 feet of clearance is theoretically possible. The reason for this is that clothing is extremely flammable. Furthermore, it is a closed room, and the clothes and shelves would make accessing the panel difficult when needed.


Knowing where to install a service panel can help you avoid potentially hazardous situations and ensure that you do not violate any state regulations. The regulations governing the location and placement of electrical panels exist first and foremost to ensure your safety.

This article discusses the permitted areas and the installation of electrical panels. You can quickly determine where the breaker box should be installed and how it should be installed. Always prioritize safety.

If you can’t do it yourself, or if you get confused and wonder if you’re doing it correctly, we strongly have a professional electrician at Hollywood Hills Best Electricians who will know what to do and is familiar.

Hollywood Hills Best Electricians is available at all times if you need a dependable electrical installation. We offer quick and dependable electrical services. Hire us right away!